
Posts with the category “missions”

Fall '23 Philippine Mission Trip
by Chris Goldman on September 28th, 2023
In the fall of 2023, Jim McElroy and Darrell McLaughlin traveled to the Philippines. Here is their story and some of the images captured on the trip.  Jim McElroy and Darrel McLaughlin had a fast-paced trip to the Philippines. As the Executive Director of the Philippine Mission Churches of Christ (PMCC) Jim was thankful to have Darrel use his videographer abilities to record the mission’s outreach...  Read More
Mozambique, March 2023
by Chris Goldman on April 18th, 2023
Friends and Family,               Greetings! Some of you may be wondering if we were affected by the Cyclone Freddy that made international news last week.  The cyclone hit a ways south of us, so had no direct impact on us.  I did speak with a brother who had been in contact with a church in Quelimane, the main city that was hit.  He reported that there was a lot of damage done to houses, especial...  Read More
Short-term Mission Opportunities 2023
by Kent Landrum on February 24th, 2023
New York CityDate: June 18-24 (1 week)Goal: Learn/practice having natural spiritual conversations with people, especially immigrants from Unreached People Groups. This will help church planters from International Project expand their reach and discover new people who are spiritually open, for follow up.Prerequisites: Willingness to talk with strangers; mobility to ride the subway and move around t...  Read More
by Chris Goldman on September 26th, 2022
REPORT FROM MESSICA May I take this opportunity to greet you all in the name of our Savior. It has been a long time since we communicated through report writing. I frequently communicate through WhatsApp sending pictures and very short videos showing how our great Lord is working in this part of our world.Even though we are far apart geographically, from the Lord’s perspective we are one. He knows...  Read More
Hippo Valley Christian Mission in Zimbabwe
by Kent Landrum on August 9th, 2022
August 9, 2022  Northwest member Donna Stroop visited Hippo Valley Christian Mission in Zimbabwe this summer to support the work of the mission, including promoting revival services. A portion of the 2022 Pentecost offering was used to purchase bibles in the Shona language spoken there.Here is an excerpt from Donna's report. "We had been planning and praying for months leading up to the Revival at...  Read More
Michael Clark Message/Update, June 2022
by Chris Goldman on June 4th, 2022
Email message to Lead Pastor, Chris Goldman, on June 4, 2022. Michael granted permission to share this as a brief personal update with the Missions Team and NWChurch in general. Hi Chris,How are you doing, brother? Hopefully this has been a fruitful season at Northwest and in your family. It was so good to hear about the event that NW church hosted recently for the newly arrived Afghans in the are...  Read More
Going Global, Serving Local
by Kent Landrum on June 3rd, 2022
June 3, 2022 Going Global, Serving LocalPentecost means “fiftieth day.” It is the 50th day of Passover. And in the year Jesus Christ was crucified, a remarkable chain of events began that impacts each of us today.That year — probably 29 AD — thousands of Jews had come to the Holy City of Jerusalem for Passover and the celebration of Pentecost. They witnessed the crucifixion of a rabbi from the sma...  Read More
Pentecost Sunday - Special Giving - May 23
by Debbie Mercado on May 9th, 2021
One of our annual traditions at NWChurch is the special offering we take in support of Global Missions. This takes place each year on Pentecost Sunday ... this year on May 23. We budget monies annually to support various initiatives worldwide, but typically things arise that require additional support. An example of this is caring for one of our missionaries who has been struggling with cancer and...  Read More
Westerholm/Mozambique Update
by Chris Goldman on December 3rd, 2020
Amy Westerholm sent this report on how they and the churches they serve are welcoming the refugees and ministering to their needs—including with support from the Northwest Church.  Read More
Kisumu, Kenya Ring Road Update November 2020
by Chris Goldman on November 11th, 2020
We received mostly good news from our mission partners at Ring Road School in Kisumu, Kenya. Schools resumed for Fourth Formers (12th graders in high school) and those in grades 4 and 8 of primary school. These children are preparing for their national exams. Other children are not attending school at this time.  Read More
Victims of War in Mozambique
by Debbie Mercado on September 17th, 2020
As we [Jeremy and Martha Smith] walk in the mornings, we have been seeing truckloads of refugees coming in, sitting on top of all their belongings.  The telltale sign is the foam mattresses.  Sadly, this is the story of thousands of people who are fleeing their homes in the northern part of our province in Mozambique.A group of insurgents has been gaining strength since it began attacks back in 20...  Read More
Mozambique Mission Update - Westerholm
by Chris Goldman on August 3rd, 2020
Despite our personal limitations and the limitations placed on the churches in this season, we know that God is not limited and he is at work. We know that we are in his hands and that he is ruler of all. We pray that he will continue to open doors for us to serve even in this season. God bless! Chad  Read More
Special Thanks from Ring Road
by Debbie Mercado on June 2nd, 2020
Northwest Church received a special word of thanks from Jared at RingRoad Ministries for the much-needed supplies we sent them. Cllick here to view the video message.RingRoad Ministries is located in Kisumu, Kenya, and oversees several programs:Orphans Day School, which serves 385 children each dayGirls' Center, which cares for 60 local girlsLakeside Christian Children's homeThank you so much for ...  Read More
Who are Darrell & Linda Dorr?
by Chris Goldman on April 10th, 2020
Darrell and Linda Dorr are mission partners with the NWChurch.  Their hearts are with the global mission effort, but they live and serve here in Seattle.  We asked Darrell to explain and expound upon why and how they do what they do. You will often find them greeting at one of the sanctuary entrances on Sunday mornings or sharing a smile and a word of encouragement around the coffee service.Follow...  Read More
Global Missions: Challenges, Hardships, Dangers (part 3)
by Chris Goldman on March 21st, 2020
Challenges, Hardships and Dangers (part 3)by Sue Calhoun (Missions Team Member)The last of this series of blog posts focuses on perhaps the most unique and challenging issue that our mission partners face, a societal environment that is hostile to Christianity, as the apostle Paul describes is his first letter to the Thessalonians: “for you also endured the same sufferings at the hands of your own...  Read More
Global Missions: Challenges, Hardships, Dangers (part 2)
by Chris Goldman on March 17th, 2020
Challenges, Hardships and Dangers (Part 2)by Sue Calhoun (Missions Team Member)Please keep praying with us for our mission partners using 2 Corinthians 4:7-9“But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but no...  Read More
Challenges, Hardships, Dangers
by Debbie Mercado on March 6th, 2020
Life on the Mission Field by Sue Calhoun, Missions Ministry Team MemberThe life of a missionary is meaningful and rewarding, but certainly not easy. As you read about some of the challenges our mission partners face, please pray with us for the Lord’s protection and provision.I have been contemplating daily life for the Rainwaters, the Westholms, the Ruracas, along with the staff at the Ring Road ...  Read More
Here I am. Send me!
by Debbie Mercado on April 28th, 2019
Exciting news!  One of our own young adults is heading to Southeast Asia on a short-term mission.  Yes, Laney Kyle, who grew up at NWChurch and is currently attending the University of Alaska in Anchorage has responded to the Holy Spirit’s call to serve in Southeast Asia. Here is part of the back story in Laney’s own words:“I go to the University of Alaska Anchorage. I’ve been going to school to g...  Read More
Intro to NWC Missions Ministry
by Debbie Mercado on April 28th, 2019
Did you know that NW Church has a Missions Ministry? Did you know that NW partners with five ministries whose focus is spreading the Good News about Jesus in other parts of the world?This blog will introduce you to Missions Ministry.  Today we’ll present an overview of all we do and in subsequent posts we’ll go into more depth about mission-focused work here at NW Church.There is a small group of ...  Read More