
Here I am. Send me!

Exciting news!  One of our own young adults is heading to Southeast Asia on a short-term mission.  Yes, Laney Kyle, who grew up at NWChurch and is currently attending the University of Alaska in Anchorage has responded to the Holy Spirit’s call to serve in Southeast Asia. Here is part of the back story in Laney’s own words:

“I go to the University of Alaska Anchorage. I’ve been going to school to get my EMT Certifications. I’ve been up here in Anchorage for a little over a year now. Since moving here, I’ve been fortunate enough to get involved with the community, a really great church, and a campus ministry- called Chi Alpha- that reaches young adults on campus and within my community. My involvement with Chi Alpha is how I was blessed with the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Southeast Asia.  The need for the gospel in this area of the world is great. We are partnering with a full-time missionary to serve for 8 full days doing children’s outreach (VBS/camp), teaching conversational English classes, preaching in the “underground” churches, and sharing testimonies & encouraging/praying over the believers that live in Southeast Asia."

"From a young age, the Lord placed a deep desire in my heart to serve and love people without abandon. I remember being a little girl and knowing that I wanted to go out and make disciples for Christ; that I wanted to share the gospel with the unreached. Missions have always been something I’ve felt called to. In 2012 I had the privilege of going on my first mission trip, with the NW youth group, to Honduras. That trip confirmed for me the calling that God had spoken over my life. It sparked a passion for serving and discipling."

"As for this mission trip, I was very much called to go to Southeast Asia. The Lord spoke to my heart weeks before I knew that Chi Alpha was even doing mission trips and said “Laney, you are going to go.” I had no clue what He meant, but I prayed about it. When I found out there was going to be a “missions reveal”, I prayed that the Lord would make it clear to me where He wanted me to go if that was what He had been talking about. As they revealed all the rural Alaskan mission trips they were doing this year, I felt something for every place they talked about. Then Southeast Asia was revealed as the international mission trip for the year and The Lord made clear to me that I was supposed to go there. I was stubborn and hesitant though. I was afraid because it sounded dangerous and it was the most expensive trip. I wasn’t sure I wanted to commit to going on such a big trip. The Lord kept whispering to my heart to “listen and obey.” So that’s what I did, I trusted Him and He was more faithful than I could have imagined. The Chi Alpha staff hand-picked my application to go on the trip (only 8 people were selected from the many people that applied), The Lord calmed all my fears when we FaceTimed with the missionary on the ground in Southeast Asia, and in one month my entire trip was fully funded. On my own strength, it would have been impossible- but with the Lord, there’s nothing that cannot be done. He is good and faithful always."

"I have died to my expectations over this trip. I want my heart to be fully surrendered to whatever God has for me on this trip. In the same breath, I am fully expectant that I will see that the Lord is working miracles and transforming hearts. In Chi Alpha we often say “prayer is not preparation for the battle, it is the battle.” I have been fighting for the people of Southeast Asia through prayer since I found out I was going there. That, in itself, has been altering to my prayer life in such a positive way. I know that there is power in prayer and that God will do what He says He can do. My biggest goal in life is to allow The Lord to do His will in my life; more of Him and less of me. I don’t want to insert my will where God’s should be, so I have been learning to pray without ceasing/just be in constant relationship and communication with the Lord. All I know is that I want to serve, help, and love others and the best way to learn to do that is to love God more. This allows me to understand love better and in turn love others more perfectly. I know that I have been called to ministry, though I am not entirely sure what that looks like. Whether it looks like leading a small group, being a full-time missionary, serving my community, discipling my neighbor, or becoming a pastor… I know that God has a plan and a purpose for my life and I am just sitting in full surrender to allow Him to move me where He wants me. I am slowly but surely learning the disciplines of listening and obeying. I am grateful for a God who seeks relationship with me and softens my heart to His will and His desires.”

Laney leaves on this trip on May 10.  NWChurch has contributed to her funding.  Please be in prayer for her, her mission partners and those whom they will be serving.

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