

Global Missions
of  the NWChurch

"Go therefore and make
disciples of all nations...."

Matthew 28:19

What do you do when you have good news? You share it with all your friends and family. We feel that way about the Good News of Jesus Christ—that God made a way for us to be able to come to Him anytime. That news is so good, we are dedicated to sharing it all over the world by supporting missionaries and agencies that do just that.

Global Mission Support

Here's a list of the global mission sites we financially and prayerfully support.
  • Kisumu, Kenya - Ring Road Teachers
  • Makua-Metto, Mozambique - Chad & Amy Westerholm
  • Western Mozambique - Owen & Eunice Ruraca
  • Kitali, Kenya - Children's Home
  • Frontier Ventures - Darrell & Linda Dorr

For those areas where sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ is illegal, we protect those who represent us in that part of the world.
  • West Africa - Pioneer Bible Translators
  • Pakistan - Via Special Offerings
  • Bangladesh - Exploratory Team
  • Zimbabwe - Via Special Offerings

  • Pentecost Offering, May 28, 2023 - Goal: $70,000
    • Thank you for supporting this effort. $70,000 pledged
    • Please fulfill your Pentecost pledges to ensure full funding of our Global Mission efforts. To date, $62,000 given...$8,000 more to receive.

Our Mission Outposts

The NWChurch global impact is shown in the video map to your right. 100% of what we do and where we are is "mission." Every location is a mission outpost. Every pastor – a located missionary. Every member – an ambassador.

Your support through regular offerings and special offerings fund mission activities at home and abroad. Thank you for your support of these global mission sites of the NWChurch.

On Pentecost each year, we take special time to focus on global mission sites. This traditionally is a day when the NWChurch takes up a special offering for special needs and projects, and remembers the global view God has for His Kingdom. 

Missions Blog

Scroll down to read about some of the last news from our Missions Team and our missionaries around the world.

Fall '23 Philippine Mission Trip
September 28th, 2023
In the fall of 2023, Jim McElroy and Darrell McLaughlin traveled to the Philippines. Here is their story and some of the images captured on the trip.  Jim McElroy and Darrel McLaughlin had a fast-paced trip to the Philippines. As the Executive Director of the Philippine Mission Churches of Christ (PMCC) Jim was thankful to have Darrel use his videographer abilities to record the mission’s outreach...
Mozambique, March 2023
April 18th, 2023
Friends and Family,               Greetings! Some of you may be wondering if we were affected by the Cyclone Freddy that made international news last week.  The cyclone hit a ways south of us, so had no direct impact on us.  I did speak with a brother who had been in contact with a church in Quelimane, the main city that was hit.  He reported that there was a lot of damage done to houses, especial...
Short-term Mission Opportunities 2023
February 24th, 2023
New York CityDate: June 18-24 (1 week)Goal: Learn/practice having natural spiritual conversations with people, especially immigrants from Unreached People Groups. This will help church planters from International Project expand their reach and discover new people who are spiritually open, for follow up.Prerequisites: Willingness to talk with strangers; mobility to ride the subway and move around t...
September 26th, 2022
REPORT FROM MESSICA May I take this opportunity to greet you all in the name of our Savior. It has been a long time since we communicated through report writing. I frequently communicate through WhatsApp sending pictures and very short videos showing how our great Lord is working in this part of our world.Even though we are far apart geographically, from the Lord’s perspective we are one. He knows...
Hippo Valley Christian Mission in Zimbabwe
August 9th, 2022
August 9, 2022  Northwest member Donna Stroop visited Hippo Valley Christian Mission in Zimbabwe this summer to support the work of the mission, including promoting revival services. A portion of the 2022 Pentecost offering was used to purchase bibles in the Shona language spoken there.Here is an excerpt from Donna's report. "We had been planning and praying for months leading up to the Revival at...