You are welcome. Come celebrate with us!
Friends Day

April 2 at 10:30am
Come and join us for Worship on Sunday. This is a great day to visit and experience a regular worship service prior to our Easter Services.
Passover Seder

April 7 at 6:30pm
Passover Seder is ritual feast reminds us of the Israelites' descent into slavery in Egypt, their suffering under Pharaoh’s rule, and God’s miraculous redemption of the Jewish people. At the last meal Jesus shared with his disciples, he took elements of the Passover meal and made them symbols of his death. Rabbi Matt is sure to make this evening fun, interactive and inspirational. You won’t want to miss it!
Easter Sunday

April 9 at 10:30am
Come and celebrate our Risen Savior on Easter Sunday. It will be a day to rejoice that the tomb is empty and the hope we have because of that resurrection. Come and bring your friends and family to Worship with us.