Candy Crush 2023

Save Oct. 29th for some great fall fun!
Finding a safe, indoor (dry & warm) alternative to Trick-or-Treating can be difficult. That's why the NWChurch hosts "Candy Crush" every fall for parents to safely satisfy their kids-candy-cravings while also enjoying the best parts of the season. Please avoid ghoulish costumes and come to enjoy candy, balloons, treats, hot-chocolate, and more!
THE NW YOUTH MINISTRY will be helping host this great event...much like they do Kids Camp!
5:30 - 7:00 PM, Sunday Evening, October 29th (come one, come all!)
THE NW YOUTH MINISTRY will be helping host this great event...much like they do Kids Camp!
5:30 - 7:00 PM, Sunday Evening, October 29th (come one, come all!)