
Jesus, Lord and Savior

by: Jillian Pippin
Behold You are the Lamb of God who washed away my sin,
May I have the strength and courage to find the faith within.

Your life was pure and focused, following your Father’s will,
Knowing the suffering of the destiny You were sent to fulfill.

I do my best to abide by Your example, a task that tests me every day,
I go to church, spend time in the word, and of course I pray.

I long to be like You Lord, to grow closer, more connected,
After all you are the everlasting Christ, the resurrected.

Your presence is all around me, I can feel it lift me up,
I feel it when I come to eat the bread and drink the cup.

You are the good shepherd; of all your sheep you’d abandon none,
Quick to depart from the flock to go in search of the missing one.

Calling a paralytic to stand, and restoring sight to the blind,
Small miracles when you consider You came to save all humankind.

A great teacher You taught with parables, each a different story,
Little lessons so that we might learn how to live for God’s glory.

Let me cast my nets into the world and be called a “fisher of men,”
To bring non-believers to faith and have them be born-again.

Jesus, Your holy perfection is what defines and sets you apart,
I seek to renew a righteous spirit, create in me a clean heart.
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