
Living That Leads to Learning

Friday Email - July 29, 2022

Living That Leads to Learning

“Do you know why old men need young men,” the elder (not from NWC) asked me.

“Truthfully, I’m not sure,” I replied.

“Old men need young men to fight their battles. Young men believe they are invincible. Old men know they are mortal.”

That conversation took place when I was about 35 years old, and led my thoughts in an unexpected direction: “Since you’re young, be careful about walking too quickly into a fight.”

Solomon’s exploration of fulfillment in Ecclesiastes can be pretty depressing to read. He makes statements that are clearly untrue or incorrect. Yet, wisdom is woven into those moments when he stops pursuing pleasure and power and instead focuses on observing truth.

This Sunday, we will look at three life-lessons that lead to deeper knowledge.

When we seek life, we naturally gather important knowledge along the way. However, if we seek knowledge, we can miss out on life. 

Knowledge is important. Learning is critical. Life is more valuable. What you pursue matters. 

Our family has been privileged to all go to college, receive degrees, and learn from some of the best. We have engineers, pastors, lawyers, auditors, teachers, professors, coders, and negotiators in our family (just to name some).

Seeking knowledge while in pursuit of life leads to wisdom. Listening and learning while living for God benefits our lives. Wisdom is sometimes found in unexpected people. When we enjoy the life we have today, in the moment, we are likely to avoid future regrets.

The study of Solomon’s work in Ecclesiastes offers valuable nuggets of wisdom, teaching us to avoid known pitfalls and live a more abundant life.
Text: Ecclesiastes 2:2-3, 9:13-10:1; 11:7-10
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