
The Fifth Gospel

Friday, June 24, 2022
We all want to live meaningful lives and make a difference in our world. No person in history had more of a positive impact than Jesus did. After all, 2,000 years later, millions of people base their lives and faith on Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

The Senior Director Of Operations at World Concern is our own Peter Macharia. On their website, we read, “World Concern is a Christian relief and development organization working in the poorest, most remote places – places many have called hopeless. With your help, we go to the people who live every day with the threat of famine, drought, war, sickness, and despair.”

Through their acts of relief and care, World Concern spreads the love of God through service and vocalizing their faith in God. Because of their love and care, their words are well received. Because they care, they are heard.

A famous saying is, “People don’t care what you know until they know you care.” Jesus lived out this principle long before it was stated. Jesus’ followers should imitate the care and concern of Jesus in spreading the gospel.

Another famous saying incorrectly attributed to St. Francis of Assisi is, “Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary use words.” Actions of love can open hearts. Actions of concern can open ears to hearing what God wants people to know.

In his message, The Fifth Gospel, Peter Macharia will challenge us to remember that sharing the gospel isn’t an either/or proposition but a both-and. Good words or good works by themselves fall short in so many cases. Sharing the gospel is a matter of both good words and good works.

I hope to see you Sunday!
Sunday Sermon - The Fifth Gospel
Sunday Speaker - Peter Macharia (Director of Operations at World Concern)

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