
Have I Made You Known?

Friday, June 10, 2022
Last Sunday, we challenged the congregation to help raise $20,022.22 towards special mission projects worldwide.  You responded and gave $22,555.49 — exceeding our need and allowing us to support these projects as well as others.  Thank you so much.

Shortly after the great Pentecost event recorded in Acts 2, we read these words, “They [those who believed and were baptized] devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.” (Acts 2:42).

Why?  Why the devotion?  Why the gathering together?  Why the meetings in homes and in the public spaces?  Answer: Everything around them had changed and the importance of mutuality could not be overstated.

Barrett Knox (preaching this Sunday on being united) made the comment, “Today, the need for God’s people to be in pursuit of unity has never been clearer in the changing post-church world.” Why?  Because everything around us has changed and the importance of mutuality can not be overstated.   

Our world is packed with people who demand uniformity over unity and individuality over mutuality.  The challenge is realizing the call of Christ is counter to our cultural calling.

Over and over in scripture, we are called to consider one another…not just ourselves.  We are also reminded that unity can bridge a broad spectrum of diversity (…neither male nor female, slave or free, Jew or Gentile).  Developing the art of mutuality helps reclaim unity in a divided world.

As we gather this Sunday, we gather as “one in Christ.” We share communion as “one in Christ.” How?  Why?  Because we belong to a Kingdom that is not of this world and understand that the importance of unity and mutuality cannot be overstated in our time.

Sunday’s Sermon: Have I Made You Known?
Text: John 17:20-26
Preaching: Barrett Knox
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