
The Christian Mind and the Importance of our Imagination

May  27, 2022
Sunday Sermon: The Christian Mind and the Importance of our Imagination
Speaking Sunday:  Dan Rice
For everyone who can attend our ONE-SERVICE SUNDAY (10:30 Combined service), you are in for a treat.  Dr. Dan Rice — who is most known for his paintings — will be preaching on the topic of “The Christian Mind and the Importance of Our Imagination.”

God’s people, created in God’s image, should be some of the most imaginative people in the world.  How are you doing as an imaginative follower of Christ?  The reason I ask is this: Imagination is necessary for bridging the gap that exists between the Kingdom of God and the local community around us. 

Dan will bring all of his artistic language and scholarship to this conversation and challenge all of us to imagine more.  

My favorite story of church imagination comes from a little congregation in Santa Rosa, CA.  They were an aging church surrounded by young families.  In an effort to reach them, they conducted a community survey for the needs of families.  The #1 need expressed by their neighbors?   A potty-training seminar for young parents.

At first, they didn’t know what to do about this.  “Was this actually a thing?” they asked themselves.  And then, sure enough, someone found experts who toured around presenting this very information.  So they invested resources, booked the speaker, and made a big banner that read:


I smile every time I think about this story.  That potty-training seminar was an effort that successfully connected them with the surrounding families.  The effort generated younger interest and growth for years to come. 

Let’s always keep our imaginations flowing as we faithfully consider God and God’s desire for life and community transformation.
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