5/21 Manifesto Workshop
5/21 Manifesto Workshop
Becoming Your Unique You;
A guided experience for identifying the You God desires you to be.
Come join us for an exciting new offering from the Sisters of SOUL.
It will be a time of refreshment and inspiration. We’ll be providing direction and support for creating a “manifesto” - developing personal statements of who I am and aspire to be.
Saturday morning
The NW Church Auditorium
May 21st, 9 am-Noon
Breakfast included
A guided experience for identifying the You God desires you to be.
Come join us for an exciting new offering from the Sisters of SOUL.
It will be a time of refreshment and inspiration. We’ll be providing direction and support for creating a “manifesto” - developing personal statements of who I am and aspire to be.
Saturday morning
The NW Church Auditorium
May 21st, 9 am-Noon
Breakfast included