
Upcoming Stuff for Students - Sept-Oct

Can you believe fall is upon us already? We hope all your back to school planning is running smoothly and we are praying hard for our students and their teachers as we go back to in-person learning. In an effort to enjoy every last drop of the outdoors and to stay as healthy as possible, we have a couple of outdoor events coming up.

Sunday September 5th will be an end of summer cookout at the Heninger Home from 6:30-8:00 p.m. (located less than a mile from the church).

Sundays, Sept 12th and 19th, 6:30-8:00 pm.  Youth Group will be at the church outdoors, if weather permits. Remember to dress warmly now that the sun is going down sooner. If the group moves inside, masks must be worn.

Sunday Sept 26th, 5:00-9:00 pm. Bonfire and outdoor movie at the Thoman's home. If the weather is bad, we will move this to the following Sunday.

Sunday Night Youth Group. This school year it's been on our hearts to challenge our students to go deeper with the Lord in grade appropriate ways. Starting in October, we will begin a half an hour earlier (6:00-8:00 pm) so that we can dive into an exciting new study while keeping time for fellowship and games.

Sunday October 24th, 6:00-8:00 pm  Youth Group Costume Party!!

October 31 is CANDY CRUSH! This is a church-wide event ... a fun, safe place for trick-or-treating. Our students will be hosting a super fun maze room for younger kids! Stay tuned for more info.

It is so exciting to be looking at a fresh new school year and to see our students growing in their friendships with each other and their relationships with God. We are so grateful to get to be part of it, and excited to be going deeper this year. We have some exciting things on the horizon!!
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