
Kids October Teaching Series

Kids! Come join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am ... and bring your parents! 
We enjoy having kids physically on campus with masks, social distancing, and fresh air circulating. We start off in the Auditorium with the grown-ups, and then we're dismissed before the sermon to enjoy a lesson and activities together.

For October, we are going through the major events in the life of prophet Elijah, all of which are nothing short of amazing! Elijah’s ministry took place during turbulent times for God’s people—so much so that Elijah felt utterly alone at times. Sometimes he was literally alone. But God’s presence and power with Elijah throughout those times is undeniable. Through these stories, kids will discover how amazing it is that God takes care of us, God knows whats best for us, God speaks to us, and all in all, God does SO MANY amazing things!

Are You Zooming?  Sign Up For A Special Packet
We also welcome those who want to join us virtually via Zoom. If your family is worshiping at home and your child participates online, we want to give them a special packet with materials for the class time during the month of October. Sign up today!
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